Versions Compared


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  1. In keycloak/k8s/keycloak-kada-realm.yaml replace DOMAIN_URL with your base url of your installation. Eg

  2. Platform credentials for internal services can be updated from their default values

    1. Edit postgres/k8s/credentials.yaml to set your own password

      Code Block
    2. Edit keycloak/k8s/keycloak-credentials.yaml to set your own password

      Code Block
  3. Generate CA Certificates

    1. Generate CA Certs base on the domain name of the host.
      Once generate run the following command to upload to certs into Kubernetes

      Code Block
      kubectl create secret tls <SET A CERT SECRET NAME> --cert /path/to/yourdomain.cer --key /path/to/yourdomain.key
    2. If you are using your own Kubernetes ingress service. The service needs to map the ports as per cortex/k8s/ingress-service.yaml. Make sure certs have been added to your ingress service.

    3. If you are using the KADA ingress services update cortex/k8s/ingress-service.yaml and set the following

      Code Block
        - secretName: <SET TO THE CERT SECRET NAME from step i) >
  4. Deploy the Kubernetes config to start the platform

    1. Upload config

      Code Block
      kubectl apply -f postgres/k8s
      kubectl apply -f zookeeper/k8s
      kubectl apply -f solr/k8s
      kubectl apply -f redis/k8s
      kubectl apply -f keycloak/k8s
      kubectl apply -f cerebrum/k8s
      kubectl apply -f cortex/k8s/know-app.yaml
    2. Check environment is up

      Code Block
      kubectl get pods
      NAME                                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
      cerebrum-celery-batch-worker-deployment-6fb6f7b99c-p79xd   1/1     Running     0          6h24m
      cerebrum-celery-scheduler-deployment-7f6d98c74c-6tfp7      1/1     Running     0          6h24m
      cerebrum-celery-worker-deployment-788897cd9f-nmpsj         1/1     Running     0          6h24m
      cerebrum-deployment-5dcd4df76c-s972x                       1/1     Running     0          6h24m
      cortex-deployment-f54885458-llltw                          1/1     Running     0          7h16m
      keycloak-deployment-7d9fc89664-4mq75                       1/1     Running     0          7h12m
      keycloak-postgres-deployment-c4b8bf9b6-7dnvp               1/1     Running     0          7h14m
      postgres-deployment-6dfdd95569-jjjl8                       1/1     Running     0          7h45m
      redis-deployment-5db49b6796-9mqrj                          1/1     Running     0          7h16m
      setup-solr-56nxk                                           0/1     Completed   0          8h
      solr-gatekeeper-deployment-867d67db98-lwvck                1/1     Running     0          8h
      solr-statefulset-0                                         1/1     Running     0          8h
      solr-statefulset-1                                         1/1     Running     0          8h
      zookeeper-statefulset-0                                    1/1     Running     0          7h52m
      zookeeper-statefulset-1                                    1/1     Running     0          7h52m
      zookeeper-statefulset-2                                    1/1     Running     0          7h52m
    3. Deploy ingress-service (if not using your own)

      Code Block
      kubectl apply -f cortex/k8s/ingress-service.yaml
      kubectl apply -f cortex/k8s-ingress-nginx

Docker deployment

  1. Edit the following kada_docker_compose.env and set the following value

    Code Block
  2. In conf/kada-realm.json replace DOMAIN_URL with your base url of your installation. Eg

  3. Generate CA Certs base on the domain name of the host. In conf/ rename and replace the cortex.crt and cortex.key with your generated CA Certificates.

  4. Deploy the environment

    Code Block
    ./ setup
    #Create storage_root_folder folder (default name is kada-data)
    cd ${KADA_ROOT_DATA_DIR}/cerebrum/data
    mkdir kada-data 
