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This page will guide you through the setup of Hightouch in K







Usage currently not captured for pipeline runs

Sensitive Data Scanner

Step 1) Create an API Key

Step 2) Add Hightouch as a New Source

Step 3) Schedule Hightouch source load

Note that scheduling a source can take up to 15 minutes to propagate the change.

Step 4) Manually run an ad hoc load to test Hightouch setup

A manual source load will also require a manual run of



To load all metrics and indexes with the manually loaded metadata. These can be found in the Batch Manager page

Step 5) Map Hightouch sources


Troubleshooting failed loads

  • If the job failed at the extraction step

    • Check the error. Contact KADA Support if required.

    • Rerun the source job

  • If the job failed at the load step, the landing folder failed directory will contain the file with issues.

    • Find the bad record and fix the file

    • Rerun the source job