Bulk Edit via Excel Upload

Bulk Edit via Excel Upload

The Bulk Edit option allows K users to directly upload property changes and links via an excel template. This may be a preferred bulk change option where:

  • You need to socialise, review and approve changes with stakeholders outside of the K Platform

  • You have the required changes (e.g. profile description) already documented in an excel spreadsheet


The Bulk Edit via Excel Upload function is only available to the following roles: K Administrator


Step 1) Add Data Assets to be updated to the Data Cart

  • Add all of the data assets that you want to include in your Bulk Edit Excel template into the Data Cart

  • You can add data assets via the Search page or individual Data Profile pages

  • For more instructions, refer to the Data Cart page

Step 2) Create your Bulk Edit Excel Template

  • Access the Data Cart and click on Bulk Edit to generate an excel template

  • Confirm the item type that you would like to update. You can select multiple item types to edit.
    Note that bulk edit is currently limited to Table, Column, Report and Sheet objects. This will be expanded over the next several releases.

  • Select any additional properties you want to edit in the Excel template. You can add any glossary, data management and data governance to the template. A maximum of 15 properties (including the default properties) can be added the template.

    The default properties (7) are: Description, Tags, Classification, Owner, Steward, Domains, Verified for, Do not use.


  • Review the template properties and Click create.

  • You will be taken to the Import Bulk Edit File page where you can download your templates and upload your bulk edit files. This page is also accessible from the Data Apps page.

  • Click on the download option on your extract when it is ready.

Step 3) Update your Bulk Edit Excel Template

  • Open the file in Excel and follow the instructions on the first (Instructions) tab

  • Edit the properties of your items and save the file locally

  • Key things to note about the excel file:

    • To protect the workbook structure, cells highlighted in grey have been locked to prevent editing

    • When the bulk upload template is imported back to K, all metadata properties will be replaced. This means blank cells will overwrite existing data K

    • Orange columns have restricted values. For example, you can only enter Domains that has been pre-defined in K. To locate the list of legitimate values, refer to the corresponding orange tab. If a value is missing, you will need to go to the K Platform and create the new value (e.g. create new domain). After the new domain has been created, re-generate the excel upload file.

    • You can enter multiple values (e.g. multiple domains) by separating each value with a comma.

Always check and delete any blank rows. Blank rows that have been previously edited and content deleted will be treated as an ‘activated' row. K will attempt to upload the blank row triggering an error and the upload job will fail.

To delete a blank row:

  • Right click on the tab click and Unprotect Sheet. There is no password

  • Right click on the blank row

  • Click Delete


Step 4) Upload your Bulk Edit Excel File

  • Go to Import Bulk Edit File page (via Data App or Data Cart). Click on Upload Bulk Edit File. Select the file you have downloaded in Step 5 and edited. Click Import



  • Your file will now be uploaded. If the file uploads without any errors, it will show a successful upload. If your file is not correctly edited, it will fail and provide error details.


The row(s) that failed is provided in the error log. Row number is incremental across all tabs e.g. If Tables tab (2nd tab after instructions tab) has 500 records, and Report (3rd tab) has 100 records, the error of row 550 is row 50 in the report tab.




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