Columns Tab (Applicable to Table Profile): Detail all the columns in the table
Sheets Tab (Applicable to Report Profile): Detail all the sheets in the report
Details Tab: Contains information like a description, properties, additional links added, and issues
Knowledge Tab: Contains questions, notes, and other documentation added by other users. You can raise a question about the data item and it will be automatically sent to the Data Stewards and Top Users. When they answer the question, you will receive a notification in your feed.
Usage Tab: Shows you a how the table has been used over time. Use this to see which teams and people have used the data over time.
Joins Tab: Shows you what other tables joins to this table. Click on the joins to see more details
Lineage Tab: Shows you downstream and upstream lineage of this data visualised
Related Tab: Shows you other items that may use or connect to this table. Find queries, groups of tables or reports.
Changes Tab: Shows you any schema changes to the table. Changes can be added that can be notified to the table users.