This page will walk you through how to:
Check what’s been linked to a collection
Ensure that a data lineage is correctly tagged to the appropriate collections.
Checking what’s been linked to a collection
When you navigate to a Collection page, you can visually see all the different things that have been linked to it via the Map tab.
When you click on any of the types of linked object, a slide-out will appear listing all of the linked objects.
This is a great way to quickly review and check how the collection is linked in your data ecosystem.
Checking if data lineage is correctly linked
When you click on a data asset in the slide-out, a lineage map will appear.
Data assets that are also linked to the same collection, will appear darker and be connected by a
For any additional tables that you would also like to link, right-click on the table will appear and you can click on the ‘Add to Collection Instance’ option.
While the linkage happens immediately, you will need to manually re-fresh the lineage map to visually see the changes in the data lineage map.