Setup: Deploy a KADA collector (AWS)
Setup: Deploy a KADA collector (AWS)
You can deploy a KADA collector in your environment using AWS. This requires deploying a AWS EC2 instance, installing python & libraries, deploying, scheduling and executing the packages. Additional steps may be needed if integrating with AWS Secret Manager is required.
Deploying AWS EC2
The following minimum specifications are required for the collector
4GB Memory
50GB Storage
O/S (suggested is CENTOS or UBUNTU or any UNIX based O/S available that can execute bash shell)
In AWS you can use a T2.medium instance.
Installing Python & Libraries
Once the instance is created the following is required
Python 3.7+ Environment (Recommended 3.8/3.9)
Python libraries
cx-Oracle = "==8.1.0" pytz = "==2020.1"
python-dateutil = "==2.8.1" # Snowflake Connector Requirement requests = "==2.23.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement pytz = "==2020.1" # Snowflake Connector Requirement cryptography = "==2.9.2" # Snowflake Connector Requirement cx-Oracle = "==8.1.0" # https://cx-oracle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/installation.html asn1crypto = "==1.4.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement azure-common = "==1.1.25" # Snowflake Connector Requirement azure-core = "==1.8.2" # Snowflake Connector Requirement azure-storage-blob = "==12.5.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement boto3 = "==1.15.18" # Snowflake Connector Requirement botocore = "==1.18.18" # Snowflake Connector Requirement certifi = "==2020.6.20" # Snowflake Connector Requirement cffi = "==1.14.3" # Snowflake Connector Requirement chardet = "==3.0.4" # Snowflake Connector Requirement idna = "==2.10" # Snowflake Connector Requirement isodate = "==0.6.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement jmespath = "==0.10.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement msrest = "==0.6.19" # Snowflake Connector Requirement oauthlib = "==3.1.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement oscrypto = "==1.2.1" # Snowflake Connector Requirement pycparser = "==2.20" # Snowflake Connector Requirement pycryptodomex = "==3.9.8" # Snowflake Connector Requirement PyJWT = "==1.7.1" # Snowflake Connector Requirement pyOpenSSL = "==19.1.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement requests-oauthlib = "==1.3.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement s3transfer = "==0.3.3" # Snowflake Connector Requirement six = "==1.15.0" # Snowflake Connector Requirement urllib3 = "==1.25.11" # Snowflake Connector Requirement snowflake-connector-python = "==2.4.4" # https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/python-connector-install.html
Deploying, scheduling & executing the packages
See the extractor package for details on deploying the extractors. The KADA team will support you for this step.
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