[M] Using the K API Examples

[M] Using the K API Examples

Get Access Token

The access token is used in the request header Authorization: Bearer <COPY ACCESS CODE HERE>

# REPLACE: <CLIENT_ID>, <USER>, <PASSWORD> curl -X POST -u "<CLIENT_ID>:" \ -d "grant_type=password&username=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>&scope=openid profile email" \ https://<domain>/keycloak/auth/realms/kada/protocol/openid-connect/token # Response. The access_token will be used to authenticate API calls to KADA. { "access_token": "..", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_expires_in": 86400, "refresh_token": "...", "token_type": "bearer", "id_token": "...", "not-before-policy": 0, "session_state": "...", "scope": "openid profile email" } export ACCESS_TOKEN=<ACCESS TOKEN FROM RESPONSE>

Get an object

Get the table with name ‘customer’

curl --location \ --request GET 'https://<domain>/api/tables?name=customer' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Get fully qualified table name: table123, in schema3 in db2 in host1.

curl --location \ --request GET 'https://<domain>/api/tables?signature=host1.db2.schema3.table123' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Updating a description

<TABLE ID> can be found from the Get object call.

Adding a tag to a table

Create a tag

Link the tag to an object.

<TABLE ID> is returned from the Get object call

<TAG ID> is returned from the Get Tags or Create tag call

Delete a tag from an object


Adding a property to a object

A property name is unique for a given object

<OBJECT ID> can be found from the Get object APIs.

Get a collection template

Get the Classification collection.

Response - note the properties which will be used to create collection instances.

Creating a collection instance

First create a collection and define the template in KADA via the Admin portal.

Use the properties field from the Get collection template to map the properties values to the property id.

<COLLECTION ID> Use Get collection template to find the collection id

First create the collection instance

Linking the collection instance to a table.

<TABLE ID> the table being linked to the collection

<COLLECTION INSTANCE ID> the collection instance being linked.

Adding and Steward to a table

Similarly to add an owner use the relationship relationship=OWNED_BY

Creating manual lineage to an upstream table

<TABLE ID> this is the downstream table. Use Get to find the table id.

<UPSTREAM TABLE ID> this is the source table. Use Get to find the table id