[M] Snowflake

[M] Snowflake

This page will walk you through the setup of Snowflake in K.


Access to Snowflake

Snowflake integration uses username/password. Using keys will be supported in an upcoming release


Create a Snowflake user with access to following tables in the Snowflake database.

  • account_usage.history

  • account_usage.views

  • account_usage.tables

  • account_usage.columns

  • account_usage.copy_history

  • account_usage.grants_to_roles

  • account_usage.grants_to_users




Setting up Snowflake in K

  1. Select Platform Setting > Integration / Sources


  2. Click Add Source and Select Snowflake


  3. Select Direct Connect and add your Snowflake details and click Next

    1. Name: The name you wish to give your Snowflake DB in K

    2. Host: Add the host URL of your Snowflake account. Omit the https:// and anything from and including .snowflakecomputing.com/….


    3. Warehouse: Default warehouse for the user

  4. Add the user details and click Save.


  5. Select the Databases you wish to load into K and click Finish Setup

  6. Go to the Sources page and select Edit Schedule


  7. Set a schedule for when the Snowflake load will occur


  8. To run a manual extract go to Platform Settings > Platform Settings / Batch Manager


  9. Select Source Load > Run


  10. Select Snowflake and Click Run

A manual source load will also require a manual run of



To load all metrics and indexes with the manually loaded metadata. These can be found in the Batch Manager page