Knowledge Feedback Loop

Knowledge Feedback Loop

Feedback loops are important to ensuring your data products (items like datasets and reports) are high quality, useful and effective.

K automatically crowdsources feedback from data product consumers that are best placed to give useful and timely feedback. You can locate all of this helpful information in the Knowledge Centre.

What type of knowledge does K crowdsource?

Knowledge Centre is divided into 3 types of question that K may ask users to help build up your team’s data knowledge.

  • Review Access: If you haven’t used an item in the last 90 days, K will check if you still need access to it.

  • Give Feedback: If you have recently used an item for the first time, K will check if you found the item useful.

  • Share Knowledge: If you are a top user of an item that is missing some important information like a description or PII tag, K will ask for your help to fill it in.

Viewing and asking questions specific to a data item

Users can directly ask questions via the Profile Page under the Knowledge tab.

Questions asked will be automatically sent to the Data Stewards and Top Users. When they answer the question, you will receive a notification in your feed.

Relevant feedback collected via the Knowledge Centre (e.g. feedback around the usefulness of the data item) will also appear on this tab for other users to see.