Merging duplicate database sources

Merging duplicate database sources

Sometimes a database may be loaded twice. This can occur when a Table references a database that is integrated with K under a different name.


For example, Tableau references Database ABC as My database. When this occurs lineage and references may be incorrect.

This page explains how to merge (and unmerge) databases sources.

Step 1) Locate the Database Sources you want to merge

  • Select Platform Settings in the side bar

  • In the pop-out side panel, under Integrations click on Sources

  • Scroll through the sources and locate the source you want to merge and click on the merge icon

Step 2) Locate the Database Sources you want to merge

  • Click on the filter and select Unmapped to review all database sources that have yet to be linked to a corresponding source that has been loaded into K

  • Locate the unmapped source that you want to map (i.e. merge) and click on the merge button

Reversing an incorrectly merged/mapped database source

  • Click on the filter and select Mapped to review all database sources that have been linked to this source

  • Locate the database source that you want to remove from the mapping click on the cross button

When removing a mapping (i.e. unmerging two sources) the items will be split and all corresponding governance metrics, lineage maps and impact assessments will be assessed.

Historical metadata (e.g. labels, description, tags) prior to the merge cannot be retrieved.