This page will walk through the process of setting up user profiles in bulk via a file upload.
This process is currently under review for improvements (moving to a UI based upload / bulk action). Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Upload File Format
Ensure the file you create follows the following format
Property | Value |
Encoding | UTF-8 (No BOM) |
File Delimiter | | (pipe) |
Headers | Ordered and present as per contract all in uppercase. |
Record Quoting | All fields enclosed in double quotes. “value”. Any double quotes inside the field value must be escaped with an additional double quote. eg “Jane” or “Marketing” |
Record Delimiter | \n (new line character) |
Empty Fields | Non mandatory fields may be left empty. Note that an empty field must still be doubled quoted. |
Step 1) Generate user upload file
Create a csv file with the following parameters:
Extract contains a row per user.
Daily Load: Extracts new users. (Can be loaded less frequently or manually if required)
Historical Load: Full snapshot of users.
Follows the file format above.
Column | Data Type | Value Mandatory | Description |
USERNAME | STRING | Y | Unique id for the user Typically email of the user especially if SSO with Active Directory is used. Example: |
FIRST_NAME | STRING | Y if IS_LOGIN_USER = 'Y' | Example: Jane |
LAST_NAME | STRING | Y if IS_LOGIN_USER = 'Y' | Example: Doe |
STRING | Y if IS_LOGIN_USER = 'Y' | Example: | |
DESCRIPTION | STRING | N | Description or Title of the user Example: Head of Data |
IS_SYSTEM_USER | STRING | N | Is the user a human user or a system account ? One of the following values: (Y, N) 'Y' - system account 'N' - human user leave empty if unknown |
IS_LOGIN_USER | STRING | N | Will the user log into KADA ? One of the following values: (Y, N) ‘Y’ - login 'N' - no login Default to 'N' if not provided |
ROLES | STRING | N | Comma separated string of roles. Defaults to “kada_user” if no role is provided Valid values:
This will be overridden by roles managed in SSO if configured |
GROUP_NAME | STRING | N | The group (Team) the user belongs to. Must match a value from GROUP MAPPING interface (see below) |
USER_ID | STRING | N | INTERNAL use only. Leave empty |
Step 2) Generate Team upload file
Create a csv file using AD / LDAP with the following parameters:
Extract contains a row per group.
Daily Load: Extracts new groups. (Can be loaded less frequently or manually if required)
Historical Load: Full snapshot of groups.
Follows the format above.
In this context Groups = Teams
Column | Data Type | Value Mandatory | Description |
NAME | STRING | Y | Name of group (i.e. Team) Must be unique. If not unique consider prefix / suffix to make it unique |
PARENT_NAME | STRING | N | Name of the parent team. Must match the team name in another row |
DESCRIPTION | STRING | N | Description of the team for presentation within the K application |
Step 3) Upload user and group files to K
Requires K administrator access and access to your K instance storage container. If you are using K SAAS use your SAS token provided or request a new token by raising a Support ticket Need more help? Raise a ticket
Log into K
Go to Platform Settings → Sources
Click Add Source.
Select Load from File
Add a Name: e.g. Active Directory
Add a Host: e.g. ActiveDirectory
Note down the landing folder e.g. windows_ad
Click Next and Finalise the setup
Access the folder created
via Azure Storage Explorer and the SAS token provided by K (for SaaS) or
The storage container for Your Cloud implementation
Upload the files above to the landing directory for the source you created e.g. kada-data/lz/windows_ad/landing
Go back to the Sources page. Click run manual load action on the source you created
Check the monitor page for the status of the job. On completion, your new teams and users will have been created