[M - Intro] Features

[M - Intro] Features

Below is a list of features that are available in K



K creates profile pages for every item within your data ecosystem. This can include data e.g. Tables and Columns; content e.g. Reports and Pipelines; and people e.g. Users and Teams. Each profile page provides rich context and automated/manual knowledge to help your data workers understand and use data better.

Profiles include

  • Details like descriptions, tags, collections, issues, properties

  • Knowledge like notes, questions, decisions

  • Joins

  • Lineage

  • Related

  • Changes

Data (table)


Content (Report)


People (User)



K has a rich search experience which allows users to discover the data and content they need.


Feed & My Ecosystem

K creates a personalises the data engagement experience so that data workers are always kept in the loop. Push data governance or data management updates to everyone that needs to know.

My ecosystem provides a user with a quick launch for all the items in their data ecosystem they use, run, create, and own.


Knowledge Centre

Knowledge centre is the feedback loop for your data and analytics content. It creates personalised surveys for consumers to provide feedback, opinions, confirm access and many more.


Data Applications

K has a number of data apps that sit on top of its data model to help you solve complex data governance and management challenges.

One application that is frequently used is Impact Assessment. You can use Impact assessment to find, understand and notify consumers of changes to your data and content



K has a number of dashboards you can use to track your usage and governance metrics.



You can curate globally defined collections to link items. Create domains, products, terms and more, link them to your data and content via rules or using the UI.


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