Manual Method

Sometimes it may not be possible to connect to a Source via a Collector or Direct Connect.

In this scenario, you can choose to create a Manual Source and manually upload the metadata detail via an excel bulk upload

Step 1) Add new Manual Source

  • Select Platform Settings in the side bar

  • In the pop-out side panel, under Integrations click on Sources

  • Click Add Source and select Manual

  • Complete the mandatory fields and click Save & Add Source

Step 2) Prepare manual upload source template

  • Click the Manual tab

  • Select Sources

  • Click on the Generate Source Template icon to generate and download your import template

  • Review the Guide tab in the excel template that you generated and follow the instructions

Always update the tabs in the Excel Template in a sequential order to create the appropriate dataset structure and hierarchy. The ‘parent name’ field is a lookup column and unless the parent tab is completed first, you won’t be able to complete the next level.

For example:

  • DATASET tab will provide the parent hierarchy for the DATASET_TABLE tab

  • DATASET_TABLE tab will provide the parent hierarchy for DATASET_FIELD tab

Step 3) Upload manual source template

  • Click the Manual tab

  • Select Sources

  • Click on the Import Source File icon to import your template

  • You can view all your Manual source imports by clicking: Apps → Recent Extracts → Manual Source File

Similar to other Bulk Edit processes, changes that have been uploaded via excel will reflect immediately in the Data Asset profile page.

Search results and lineage maps may take up to 1 business day to reflect in K. If you would like K Indexing or lineage maps to be immediately updated, run the DAILY job via Batch Manager.